Efficient closed loop payment solution for auto fare collection

Simplify fare collection, boost revenue, and reduce operational costs with our automated closed loop auto fare collection solution.

Current challenges in the fare collection process

Long wait times & queues

Long wait times & queues

Traditional fare collection method causes longer wait times and queues at fare collection points due to manual operations.

Operational inefficiency

Operational inefficiency

Physical ticket checks and cash handling require more staff and slow down boarding, which reduces operational efficiency.

Fraud & security

Fraud & security

Cash-based fare collection is vulnerable to theft, fraud, and errors, and also puts your staff's safety at risk.

Reduced revenue

Reduced revenue

Incorrect fare calculations, theft and free riding, and higher operation costs in the system result in significant losses in revenue.

Why auto fare collection solution is ideal for businesses like you

Automated contactless payments

Automated contactless payments

Eliminate queues and drastically reduce wait times with automated contactless fare collection that allows them to pay much faster.

Streamlined operations

Streamlined operations

Our solution integrates with your existing fare collection system and streamlines the process so you can operate more efficiently.

Enhanced security

Enhanced security

Our system offers robust security features that ensure reduced fraud and theft, and maintain the safety of your staff and passengers.

Increased revenue

Increased revenue

Accurate fare calculations and real-time transaction monitoring ensure that every fare is collected, which boosts overall revenue.

Why SwiftPay.Guru is ideal for auto fare collection

Exceptional customer experience

Exceptional customer experience

  • Faster boarding times with contactless payments.
  • Reduced wait times.
  • Convenient payment options
Improved operational performance

Improved operational performance

  • Understand passenger needs with travel pattern data.
  • Utilizes data to refine and suggest alternative routes.
  • Plan service improvements based
Invaluable data analytics

Invaluable data analytics

  • Understand passenger needs with travel pattern data.
  • Utilizes data to refine and suggest alternative routes.
  • Plan service improvements based on collected data.
Scalability & flexibility

Scalability & flexibility

  • Accommodate increased passenger numbers or demand.
  • Integrate seamlessly with different transportation modes.
  • Easily update and adapt to new technologies.

Ready to streamline your fare collection and become more efficient?
