Closed loop payment solution for transportation businesses

Easily manage auto fares and toll payments with our closed-loop payment solution. And experience smooth transactions and a better experience for your customers.

Why choose SwiftPay.Guru?

Unmatched passenger convenience

Unmatched passenger convenience

Offer the convenience your customers want with automated fare collection and contactless toll payments.

Streamlined operations

Streamlined operations

Maximize your toll and transportation efficiency with our integrated payment platform that simplifies transactions and eliminates manual work.

Profit boosting insights

Profit boosting insights

Leverage our advanced analytics tools to optimize routes, adjust pricing, and forecast maintenance needs while boosting your sales.

Features that transform your transportation business


Contactless transactions

  • Drastically cut queue times.
  • Cut down operating costs with automated transactions.
  • Enhanced customer convenience & satisfaction.

Effortless customization

  • Create unique experiences for passengers with personalized options.
  • Adapt to seasonal promotions and fare changes easily.
  • Tailor your payment options to meet specific demands.

Advanced data analytics

  • Gain insights into passenger behavior and spending patterns.
  • Make informed decisions to optimize services and pricing.
  • Enhance marketing strategies based on collected data.

Fraud detection & prevention system

  • Reduce revenue loss with real-time transaction monitoring.
  • Protect customer data with top-tier encryption.
  • Prevent fraud with our robust security measures.

Streamline your transportation payment system with SwiftPay.Guru
